2nd International Entrepreneurship Autumn School

WHAT IS THE INTERNATIONAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AUTUMN SCHOOL (IEAS)? With ever increasing research and PhD theses in the area of entrepreneurship and innovation, the main aim of the 2013 IEAS is to explore the cutting edge research areas and practices to advance the field of entrepreneurship, geared towards doctoral students and young researchers.


Historical foundations of entrepreneurship research •Qualitative methods in entrepreneurship

New frontiers in entrepreneurship research: Online entrepreneurship

The Future of Entrepreneurship Research | 2013

FEES: - Regular fee: 120 Euros - Doctoral and master students fee: 80 Euros

CONTACT/REGISTRATION: Instituto de Investigação e Formação Avançada (IIFA) da Universidade de Évora
Palácio do Vimioso
Largo Marquês de Marialva
7002 - 554 Évora
Telefone:+351 266 706 581

DEADLINE TO SUMISSION THE PAPERS /Prazo para submissão de trabalhos: 2013.10.04

DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT/Prazo para inscrição e pagamentos: 2013.10.11

Organização: IIFA/CEFAGE
De 24.10.2013 a 25.10.2013
Palácio do Vimioso - Sala 205 - Universidade de Évora
Fonte: Investigar