Another side of Biology: Serendipity, a life of Expeditions* Madalena Patacho Alumna UÉ

Madalena Patacho is a naturalist with special expertise in marine biology and ecotourism. She graduate in Biology at Universidade de Évora and earned her Master’s in Management of Natural Resources at Instituto Superior de Agronomia and Universidade de Évora.

Madalena Patacho is a naturalist with special expertise in marine biology and ecotourism. She graduate in Biology at Universidade de Évora and earned her Master’s in Management of Natural Resources at Instituto Superior de Agronomia and Universidade de Évora. Madalena lived on Príncipe Island, off the west coast of Africa, working with local communities on a responsible tourism project, creating and implementing a sustainable plan for tourism development. She is inspired by the principles of ecotourism and is always looking for great ways to contribute and leave a positive footprint everywhere she travels.

A passionate traveler, with an insatiable curiosity about nature, geography and biodiversity, Madalena traveled around the world from North to South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, the Arctic and most recently Antarctica. From ancient ruins to marine reserves, hiking volcanoes and connecting with local and indigenous communities, Madalena is always looking for unique and authentic cultural experiences. When not traveling or lecturing around the world, Madalena conducts tours and lectures at Oceanário de Lisboa working with a variety of audiences on raising awareness on ocean conservation and biodiversity.

*Palestra integrada na celebração dos 25 anos da Licenciatura em Biologia da Universidade de Évora.

De 04.04.2019 a 04.04.2019
18:30 | Anfiteatro 2 CLAV/Universidade de Évora